Please note

The information collected by this form will be used for:

  1. determining whether VSLO may be able to assist you with an employment issue;
  2. client communication; and
  3. complying with the Law Society of British Columbia client identification requirements.

If Victory Square Law Office is able to help, an appointment will be scheduled for a consultation meeting to determine whether you have a case. A fee of $350.00 will be charged for the consultation meeting.

The information contained on this form is subject to solicitor-client privilege because the predominant purposes for which it is sought and provided are for seeking and obtaining legal advice.

The firm uses cloud-based programs to store some client information. Some of these programs may use servers located outside of Canada. By completing and submitting this form you acknowledge that these programs may create some risks for the security of your information.


Our office is located on unceded territory of the Skwxwu7mesh (Squamish), Tsleil-Waututh (Burrard), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations.


604 684 8421

Toll free

1 877 684 8421


710–777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1S4


#301 – 1321 Blanshard Street

Victoria, BC V8W 0B6

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